Richard Lewis
Still after all these years, Lewis remains addicted to performing before live audiences and is on a continuous “Tracks of My Fears” stand up tour. In live performances he is often compared to a jazz musician for his wild riffs that fly out into space but always find a way to float back into rhythm as they splatter recurring themes against a spiraling, lyrical backdrop. Howard Reich of the Chicago Tribune recently noted, in a piece comparing comedy and jazz, “In Lenny Bruce’s fantasy, celebrated writers would say: ‘This guy is the greatest jazz sound in the world – he’s so hip, his name is Lenny Bruce.’ To this day, Bruce’s foremost heir — comedian Richard Lewis — conveys the lightning energy of a solo by bebop icon Charlie Parker.” A N.Y. Post article noted; “Richard Lewis built the strongest stand-up comedy career on a blazing trail of neuroses since Woody Allen.”